Our policies
Create Central was established by the West Midlands Combined Authority in October 2019 following WMCA’s launch of the region’s Local Industrial Strategy to help drive forward the growth of the creative content sector.
Create Central is private-sector only, and arms-length from local government, linking to the public sector via a governance framework agreed by the WMCA. It links to public sector stakeholders and the regional ecosystem through a model of collaborative leadership.
Our policies are therefore those of the WMCA and for any procurement purposes contracts are with the West Midlands Combined Authority.
The West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) is a data controller in terms of the Data Protection Act. Read the full privacy policy.
This notice explains how we use cookies and similar technologies on our websites and mobile applications to help provide you with the best possible online experience. The full cookie policy.
West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) is a partnership between seven metropolitan councils of the West Midlands. Read the full terms and conditions.
The world is facing many environmental challenges including climate change, resource depletion and pollution. As a consequence the Government has set targets to move the UK to a low carbon future and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Read the full environment policy.
We put equality and diversity at the heart of the business. We value the diversity of our customers, staff, suppliers, partners and all the people we work with and are committed to treating everyone fairly and achieving equal outcomes for all. Read the full equalities policy.
West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) welcomes feedback regarding our work and the services we provide. We use this information to review how we do things and to identify where we can do things better. We work hard to put things right if a problem arises and have set out how we work to resolve any complaints we may receive in this Complaints Handling Procedure.
The purpose of WMCA’s Petitions Protocol is to set out the agreed approach for investigating a petition.
People who wish report whistleblowing or fraud with the option of remaining anonymous can do so on the WMCA website.
Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. Read the full modern slavery policy.
By listening carefully and responding to what people need, we can make a real difference and help to provide an experience that works for everyone. Read the full reasonable adjustments policy.
The WMCA Safeguarding Policy sets out the standards required of all WMCA employees and those individuals, agencies, community groups and public and private sector partners that we work with, to ensure that all children, young people and vulnerable adults are safeguarded from abuse and neglect and where any safeguarding incidents occur, they are fully and appropriately reported and managed.
Conflict of interest policy
The work of Create Central must be carried out in an environment that is free from any suggestion of improper influence. Members must not exploit, or reasonably appear to exploit, any personal or professional relationships with a relevant organisation or an organisation with which Create Central has a contractual relationship.
Privacy notice
We collect your IP Address with cookies to enhance the usability of the website.
By contacting us using this website you consent to us storing your details on secure cloud based systems.
We will not sell or share your personal data with any other parties.
If you would like us to remove your details from our systems please contact our Data Protection Officer: hello@createcentraluk.com