What does sustainability mean within your work?


5 September 2024

As part of Create Central’s ongoing commitment to and mission around sustainability, three questionnaires have been created (for businesses, physical production freelancers and digital freelancers working across the creative industry).

These questionnaires aim to establish the level of awareness and depth of knowledge of businesses and freelancers working in the region. It also aims to benchmark the current attitudes and commitments to sustainable production processes, with the aim of creating a framework from which Create Central can provide practical support, training and skills development.


Select the survey that is closest to your most regular way of working and please answer all questions honestly to ensure that the data gathered is as accurate as possible. Deadline to complete the surveys is 18 September.

The data collected through these surveys is for internal Create Central use only and all reports will be anonymised. However, if you feel strongly about any aspect and wish your opinions/answers to be publicised, there is a GDPR question at the end that allows you to provide consent together with your contact details.


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