Mikayla Sinead

Mikayla is the Immersive Studio Manager at BOM (Birmingham Open Media). BOM is an immersive arts organisation, empowering communities through immersive innovation and learning.

Mikayla has a passion for leading with an inclusive intersectional mindset whilst centering joy. She combines passions of gaming and leadership development through her flagship series #GameJoy. The series encourages marginalised communities to carve their space in gaming whether for joy or career.

Mikayla has a wealth of experience in supporting diverse talent to reach positions of influence and leadership, she was part of the 2019 cohort of Birmingham Live’s 30 under 30 in recognition of her work in this area.

An enthusiastic gamer and passionate speaker Mikayla is keen to ensure the region’s games industry has a healthy ecosystem of diverse talent development and retention into leadership positions leading to more inclusive, innovative and immersive experiences for all.